
Webinar Series: Ahmed


MECP’s Stormwater Consolidated Permissions Framework


The Ministry of Environment, Conservation and Parks (MECP) has been working with a wide-ranging stakeholder working group composed of municipalities, Conservation Authorities, associations, and consultants to develop a consolidated permissions program.

The intent of the consolidated permission is to include a municipality’s entire stormwater management system in a single Environmental Compliance Approval (ECA).

These new ECAs will include up-to-date environmental protection conditions for monitoring, reporting, and maintenance, as well as pre-authorizing stormwater management systems installed by property developers under the new R208/19, and many modifications to existing municipal works.

Learn how you can benefit from this new ECA framework that will provide flexibility to the modification and installation of stormwater infrastructure in your area.


Learning Objectives

1. Learn how the new Regulation 208/19 (ECA in respect of Sewage Works) will provide flexibility to property developers installing stormwater management works within municipal boundaries.

2. Learn how municipalities can obtain a consolidated permission that includes all of their stormwater infrastructure in a single ECA, and what the benefits are.

3. Learn what terms and conditions will be in the new consolidated ECA that will provide for protection of our lakes, rivers, and streams.



Aziz Ahmed

Aziz Ahmed

Aziz Ahmed, P.Eng., is Manager of Approvals and Licensing at the Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks (MECP), and is the approving director under Part V and VI of the Safe Drinking Water Act, and Part II.1 of the Environmental Protection Act.

A graduate of the University of Toronto in Chemical Engineering, Aziz has worked with the MECP since 1988 in a variety of engineering and managerial positions, in the areas of water, wastewater, and stormwater management.