Subwatershed-Wide Environmental Compliance Approval (ECA) Pilot Project for Stormwater Infrastructure
Shawna Chambers, City of London
The Dingman Creek Subwatershed (DCS) in London, Ontario will face significant development pressures in the next 20 years.
The original stormwater management (SWM) servicing strategy recommended 12 new traditional SWM wet ponds. The City of London initiated the DCS Municipal Class Environmental Assessment (EA) process to re-evaluate SWM through incorporating Low Impact Development.
As part of the EA study, the municipality worked with the MECP to create a single subwatershed-wide stormwater Environmental Compliance Approval (ECA) for existing and preapproved stormwater works. The ECA is built upon an adaptive framework to create a more resilient system.
The approval, combined with data analytics (via subwatershed monitoring), facilitates improved long-term performance of the stormwater system to address watershed needs, supports measures to adapt to a changing climate, and assists the City in leveraging limited resources more efficiently.
The project supports existing legislation and evolving policies from the Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks (MECP) and other ministries that protect the environment while reducing the burden by issuing a single ECA.
A key component to the ECA has been the development of ‘live’ data sharing between the City and its partners at the Upper Thames River Conservation Authority (UTRCA) and MECP.
This presentation will focus on how establishing a subwatershed-scale stormwater ECA will enhance transparency, collaboration, and adaptive management of the receiving system among all parties.
Learning Objectives
1. Understand how components of a comprehensive Environmental Compliance Approval can provide accountability for municipalities while recognizing the need for flexibility when managing natural water resources systems.
2. Learn about the relationship between Municipalities and Conservation Authorities in the role of planning, constructing, and maintaining stormwater infrastructure and how we can find efficiencies to work together towards mutual goals.
3. Learn how municipalities can implement an adaptive management approach to stormwater infrastructure planning, implementation, and maintenance.

Shawna Chambers
Shawna Chambers, P.Eng., DPA is the Division Manager of Stormwater Engineering for the City of London.
Shawna holds a bachelor’s degree in Civil Engineering from the University of Waterloo. Her focus is to deliver practical and effective stormwater programs to benefit both the natural environment and the greater community.
Shawna is committed to sustainability, innovation, and challenging the way “it’s always been done.”