The Onondaga County Save the Rain Program: 200 Completed Projects in 10 Years Lessons Learned and Success Stories
Zachary Monge, Jacobs
Adam Woodburn, Onondaga County Department of Water Environment Protection
Since January 1999, Onondaga County, New York has been complying with an Amended Consent Judgment (ACJ) which includes control of combined sewer overflows (CSO) to the tributaries of Onondaga Lake.
In November 2009, the ACJ was again amended to incorporate green infrastructure (GI) strategies to further reduce wet weather from entering the combined sewer system (CSS). This is the first court order in the country to require the use of green infrastructure. The new program was entitled Save the Rain.
Since 2009, Onondaga County has constructed over 200 projects on a fast track basis, including a wide range of GI technologies. These projects capture more than 130 million gallons of stormwater annually.
This presentation will focus on the lessons learned and success stories from the construction of over 200 GI projects to date.
Case studies from specific projects will be provided and the following key subject matters will be covered:
- An overview of the Save the Rain projects constructed to date including the various GI technologies utilized (porous pavements, bioretention, green roofs, infiltration practices, enhanced tree planters, etc.)
- Advantages and disadvantages of GI technologies and products from ten years of GI implementation and construction in various environments
- Success stories from the construction of GI, from the standpoint of construction and long-term performance
- Monitoring results of three distinct GI projects during several varying rainfall events.
Learning Objectives
1. Learn about the advantages and disadvantages of different GI technologies.
2. Understand what we have learned about construction methods and performance.
3. Find out what we have learned from monitoring over 10 years.

Zachary Monge
Zachary Monge is Program Manager with Jacobs in Syracuse, NY.
An experienced green infrastructure (GI) stormwater technologist, he has designed over 55 distinct GI projects for stormwater management and CSO abatement including:
- Green roofs
- Bioretention
- Green streets
- Porous pavements
- Stormwater wetlands
- Underground infiltration
- Capture and slow release
- High flow media filters
- Natural treatment wetlands
- Sewer separation

Adam Woodburn
Adam Woodburn is Program Coordinator, Stormwater Management with the Onondaga County Department of Water Environment Protection.
Adam is a registered landscape architect and certified arborist with 14 years of experience. His focus on stormwater management includes public outreach and education, stormwater and green infrastructure, program management, design construction inspection, and maintenance.