Measuring Turbidity in Support of Erosion and Sediment Control Monitoring: When, Where, How, and Why?
Paul Villard and Patrick Padovan, Geo Morphix Ltd.
Monitoring of turbidity or Total Suspended Solids (TSS) is an integral part of effective erosion control. Turbidity or TSS monitoring can aid in identifying and quantifying potential inputs of construction related sediments to inform and ultimately limit construction related sediment from entering receiving waterbodies.
In many jurisdictions, monitoring requirements such as intensity of monitoring, timing, general location, and triggers/targets are dictated through guidelines and permitting. Unfortunately, many sites are unique with regards to:
- Connectivity to receiving waterbodies
- Number of potential point sources
- Types of sediments activated
- Sensitivity of receivers
This becomes more complicated when placed in the context of potential sources other than the construction activities being monitored.
In this presentation, examples of monitoring protocols are taken from both active construction sites and permanent stormwater facilities to highlight how the monitoring strategy — including timing, targets and even sampling collection/measurement protocols — can inform or bias our observations and interpretation of results.
Learning Objectives
1. Understand sediment sources and transport mechanics and how this impacts monitoring results.
2. Understand that the proposed monitoring strategy can bias your measurements and ultimately the interpretation of the results.
3. Understand that sampling protocols need to be based on the physical processes we are trying to characterize and that the design — whether temporary erosion and sediment controls, or long-term ponds — have assumptions that need to be considered in monitoring.

Paul Villard
Paul Villard is Director of Geo Morphix Ltd. He has been involved in research and consulting related to geomorphology for more than 25 years.
Paul’s academic and applied interests include sedimentology, channel evolution, turbulence and hydrodynamics, field measurement techniques, urban impacts on rivers, and benefits of restored river systems.
Paul is a member in good standing of Professional Geoscientists Ontario, Society of Ecological Restoration, and ECO Canada.

Patrick Padovan
Patrick Padovan is a River Scientist and Project Lead at GEO Morphix Ltd. He manages hydrometric, water quality, and geomorphological monitoring projects.
Patrick has extensive experience preparing and executing pre-construction baseline monitoring and post-construction compliance and effectiveness monitoring programs. He combines his knowledge of earth surface processes and environmental legislation to support the development of stormwater management monitoring plans, subwatershed studies, and environmental impact studies.
Patrick has completed projects in numerous watersheds and Conservation Authority jurisdictions in Ontario.