
2024 Track 1 Day 1: Sones Flynn


Integrated Monitoring of Stormwater and Stream Health in the Dingman Creek Subwatershed – A Partnership Between City of London and Upper Thames River Conservation Authority (UTRCA)


Receiver based monitoring programs are anticipated to be required as part of the Ministry of Environment, Conservation, and Parks Consolidated Linear Infrastructure – Environmental Compliance Approvals (CLI-ECA).

As part of an on-going a stormwater Environmental Assessment, the City of London initiated a monitoring program with UTRCA to consolidate and review historical stream data. The project archived data in a database, continued monitoring at historic sites to contextualize data, and added monitoring efforts to better understand a system subject to future development

The annual program includes monthly water quality grab samples, operation and maintenance of three recently established hydrometric stations, seasonal benthic and fish inventory, spatial analysis, and reporting.

This partnership ensures consistent monitoring protocols and standards are followed allowing for greater confidence in data, makes long-term data available to both organizations and members of the Water Information Systems by KISTERS (WISKI) Data Hub, and sets a framework for future monitoring programs as part of MECP’s future Consolidated Linear Infrastructure Environmental Compliance Approval (CLI-ECA).


Adrienne Sones

Adrienne Sones, City of London

Adrienne Sones is an Environmental Services Engineer with the City of London’s Stormwater Management Division. With nearly 15 years’ experience in water resource engineering, Adrienne is involved in multi discipline coordination, design, and implementation of City stormwater projects.

Adrienne’s experience includes environmental assessments, stormwater strategy and LID implementation, and, development and implementation of water quality and quantity monitoring programs.

Laura Flynn

Laura Flynn, UTRCA

Laura Flynn is the Watershed Information Management Specialist at the Upper Thames River Conservation Authority.

Laura completed her B.Sc. in Biology at the University of Guelph and her M.Sc. in Biodiversity and Conservation at Trinity College Dublin. During her seven years at the authority, she has worked closely with various aspects of watershed monitoring, including flood forecast and warning and watershed health.

She also spends her time leading integrated watershed monitoring projects and administrating the Western Ontario WISKI Data Hub.