Orange Memorial Park Regional Stormwater Capture Project – City of South San Francisco, CA
The Orange Memorial Regional Park Project is a multiple award-winning storm water project staged across 6500+ acres. This project is the first regional stormwater project of its kind in Northern California.
It reaches across 7 jurisdictions that collaboratively worked with South San Francisco Public Works / Parks Department (landowner), San Mateo County (canal owner), Cal Water, Public Utilities (water providers), and Caltran, as the funding partner at 15.5 Million.
This presentation covers the project’s multiple goals of instream diversion from the Colma Creek Canal for water treatment, flood reduction, beneficial re-purposing (with 16% potable water offset), ground water infiltration and clean water return to the canal when at capacity.
The Municipal Regional Permit (MRP) “green acres” infrastructure requirements were met, as the driver for these jurisdictions county wide. It alleviated the strain on existing storm water infrastructure, enhanced water quality and provided flood protection for neighborhoods in the lower lying FEMA 100-year flood plain.
Operational challenges on the surface were met with structured financing, flow monitoring, pretreatment compliance and a quality ultra filtration treatment system used for supplying non-potable irrigation water.
The underground challenges involved the groundwater locations and seismic area with multiple fault lines, including the San Andreas fault. These technical challenges will be covered in the presentation.

Linda Maley, Atlantis International Corporation Inc.
Linda Maley is the North America Business Development Lead for Atlantis International Corporation (1989), a modular tank and drainage panel manufacturer.
In 2003, with her past work in Operations at the City of Vancouver, she saw real LID answers to the Atlantis “Green City” vision. Since then, 20 years later, she has presented, promoted, trained and facilitated in storm water management, permeable surface, green roofs, and bio-based re-use.