Elements of a Toronto Geomorphic Systems Master Plan Environmental Assessment
Since 2020 the City of Toronto has initiated five Master Plan studies, across five different subwatersheds, to identify and assess erosion hazards to municipal infrastructure within Toronto’s watercourses.
The intention of these studies is to develop a capital works program where the prioritization and allocation of resources over the next 10 years, is founded on the integration of fluvial geomorphology, water resources engineering, terrestrial and aquatic ecology, and asset management disciplines.
Given the multi-objective nature of these undertakings, the City refers to these studies as Geomorphic Systems Master Plans (GSMPs).
This presentation will provide a summary of the ongoing evolution of the Toronto GSMP program and will include an explanation of the challenges Toronto faces in addressing risks to infrastructure in urban watercourses.
Key elements of the GSMP process will be covered, including structuring each study within the Municipal Class Environmental Assessment and Master Planning process. Further, approaches to field work, erosion risk analysis, climate change assessment, design solution development, and stakeholder engagement will be presented.
The presentation will also outline foundational considerations for completing a Toronto GSMP based on the principles of resiliency, inter-disciplinary collaboration and multi-objective considerations as they relate to stream corridors.
The presentation will conclude by addressing the need to prioritize infrastructure sites in need of intervention. This insight will look at project prioritization within a watercourse as well as through the lens of all the City’s watercourses. A priority list can be generated for the entire City to address planning and budgeting requirements with the ability to update and re-prioritize projects using the principles of adaptive management.

Daniel McCreery, City of Toronto
Daniel McCreery is a Senior Engineer with the City of Toronto’s stormwater management group in the Engineering & Construction Services Division. Daniel has been working in water resources with the City since 2015.
Prior to joining the City of Toronto, Daniel spent 9 years working in the private sector working on water resources projects throughout North America.
A graduate of the University of Guelph, Daniel is keen to team up with various stakeholders to implement much needed stream restoration and stormwater management projects for the City of Toronto.

Devin Coone, City of Toronto
Devin Coone is a Water Resources Engineer and Senior Project Manager with the City of Toronto’s stormwater management team in the Engineering & Construction Services Division.
Prior to joining the City of Toronto, Devin worked for the City of Calgary applying his water resources knowledge to fish habitat restoration and flood mitigation projects.
While at the City of Toronto, Devin has managed numerous stormwater and stream restoration projects from studies through to design and construction.