Application of LID-TTT Model for Stormwater Management Planning
Wednesday, March 26, 2025 | 3:45 p.m. to 4:15 p.m. | Hall A
LID-TTT was used to model a stormwater management (SWM) and an erosion control plan (ECP) designed to achieve 2 main objectives for the site development:
i) protect the receiving environment from sediment-laden and potential high-pH outflows
ii) ensure Phosphorous (P) and Total Suspended Solids (TSS) loadings at the site outlet comply with ON Provincial Water Quality Objectives (PWQO).
The site is in the upper area of a sub-catchment with an existing wetland discharging to a natural creek reporting to lake. The site has an existing pond, and it was important to ensure the effluent quantity and quality under the post-development condition are not exceeding those of the pre-development.
The SWM and ECP included ditches, sumps, and a sedimentation channel. Site grading was proposed around the manufacturing plant, to contain the high-pH contact water and recycle it to the plant.
Dewatering sump-pump configuration and contained truck wash facility were also proposed, to ensure recycling contact water to the plant.
Water balance and P mass balance models were built using LID-TTT with updated mean annual climate and soil data. Based on the model results, the proposed SWM and ECP would maintain the concentration of TSS and P to the allowable PWQO limits of below 25 mg/L and 30 µg/L, respectively.
During the post-development scenario, the SWM features would retain the collected runoff and it would infiltrate into ground or evaporate with no runoff leaving the site.

Hesham Fouli, WSP Canada Inc.
Hesham has a blend of academic, consulting and operational water resources and management experience obtained through working at different organizations in Canada and abroad.
His professional experience of over 10 years comprises: stormwater management and drainage design for municipalities and aggregate and metallurgic mining sites, erosion and sediment control design, analysis and design of hydraulic structures, and flood management and dam studies.

Samantha Pelayo Cazares, WSP Canada Inc.
Samantha is a resourceful water resources engineer, passionate about advancing knowledge in Low Impact Development (bioretention swales, rain gardens, green roofs, permeable pavements) through high-quality research and projects.
She has international education and professional water resources project experience, and worked on integrated water management projects with Credit Valley Conservation, as well as in other places.