
2025 Track 1 Day 2: Robinson Haug-Kindellan


Investing in Resilience: Overview & Applications of the Risk & Return on Investment Tool (RROIT)

Thursday, March 27, 2025 | 3:15 p.m. to 3:45 p.m. | Hall A


The Credit River Watershed has experienced 12 extreme rainfall events within the last 20 years, highlighting the need for Prioritizing Collective Partner Actions in Emergency Management, Land-use Planning, Stormwater, and Watershed Management to reduce risks to our communities.

Credit Valley Conservation (CVC) will provide an overview of the uses and functions of the Risk and Return on Investment Tool (RROIT) as it relates to identifying multi-risk flood areas (including riverine, urban overland, sanitary back-up, and groundwater flood risks) under both existing and future climate change scenarios.

This innovative tool has identified priority neighborhoods at risk of multi-flooding and erosion, with consideration for identifying publicly owned properties, infrastructure and socially vulnerable populations at risk.

CVC will provide an overview of the ways RROIT outputs have been used to inform watershed scale planning, municipal capital infrastructure improvements as well as emergency management planning for major storm events.

Highlights will also include cost-benefit analysis of taking a watershed approach using natural, green and grey solutions to reduce risk with the greatest return on investment.


Kristopher Robinson

Kristopher Robinson, Credit Valley Conservation (CVC)

Kristopher Robinson joined Credit Valley Conservation (CVC) recently as his role as Senior Specialist, Watershed and Climate Change Risk Science.

Over the last 8 years he has worked with Conservation Authorities focusing on GIS and Water Resources. He has experience with hydrologic/hydraulic modelling, floodplain mapping, stormwater management, and flood risk assessments.

Kristopher has an advanced diploma in Environmental Engineering Technology from Georgian College and has worked previously at GSCA, and NVCA in GIS and Water Resources roles.

Emma Haug-Kindellan, Credit Valley Conservation (CVC)

Emma Haug-Kindellan is a Water Resources Engineer with the Watershed & Climate Change Risk Science division at Credit Valley Conservation (CVC).

She has over eight years of experience in hydrologic/hydraulic modelling, floodplain mapping, municipal stormwater master planning, and stormwater management design.

Emma holds a Professional Engineering License with PEO and has both an Honours Bachelor and Masters Degree in Water Resources Engineering from the University of Guelph.