
2025 Track 1 Day 2: Schritt MacDonald


Stormwater Under Pressure: Navigating O&M Manual Development under the CLI-ECA

Thursday, March 27, 2025 | 10:00 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. | Hall A


Urban growth in Ontario has placed increased pressure on existing stormwater management (SWM) infrastructure, underscoring the need for consistent operations and maintenance (O&M) practices.

The Consolidated Linear Infrastructure Environmental Compliance Approval (CLI-ECA), introduced by the Ministry of Environment, Conservation, and Parks (MECP), requires municipalities to adopt a proactive, system-wide strategy for managing SWM infrastructure.

This shift from reactive to proactive O&M is vital to ensure long-term infrastructure integrity amidst expanding development and increasing high-intensity storm events.

The Town of Newmarket serves as a case study for the development of an effective O&M Manual under CLI-ECA requirements.

Key components of this effort included defining departmental roles and responsibilities, addressing coordination challenges across multiple municipal departments, and streamlining procedures to enhance accountability. Emphasis was placed on standardized documentation, consistent Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs), and interdepartmental collaboration to optimize resource use and ensure regulatory compliance.

Newmarket’s experience demonstrates the critical role of a proactive O&M approach in supporting sustainable growth, mitigating risks, and enhancing the resilience of Ontario’s stormwater infrastructure. These insights provide valuable guidance for other municipalities facing similar challenges.


Craig Schritt

Craig Schritt, Town of Newmarket

Craig Schritt is the Manager of Climate, Environment & Sustainability at the Town of Newmarket, where he oversees the Town’s stormwater portfolio.

With over a decade of experience in the municipal stormwater sector, Craig has been instrumental in implementing the Town’s stormwater Consolidated Linear Infrastructure Environmental Compliance Approval. He has extensive experience developing and implementing stormwater inspection and maintenance programs, stormwater facility and LID policy, development reviews, and capital projects.

Holding a Master’s degree in Environment & Sustainability, Craig is passionate about fostering collaboration across municipal departments to streamline procedures, enhance accountability, and optimize resource use.

Their proactive approach to stormwater management has helped Newmarket adopt system-wide strategies that ensure long-term infrastructure integrity in response to Newmarket’s intensified urban landscape and the impacts of climate change.

Marjorie MacDonald, Resilient Consulting Corp.

Marjorie MacDonald, P.Eng., is a Project Engineer with Resilient Consulting. Marjorie has 8 years of consulting experience in stormwater management design and water resources engineering.

Throughout her career, she has designed stormwater management solutions, such as ponds, underground storage facilities, and low impact development technology, as well as preliminary road grading and sewer design.

She has experience in all aspects of the design and approval process, including due diligence floodplain assessments, preliminary and detailed design, and has successfully worked with municipalities, conservation authorities and provincial approval agencies throughout the design process.

In recent years, Marjorie has focused on municipal engineering projects including policy development, stormwater facility design and construction administration.