Gambling on Site Conditions – Risk in Stream Restoration
Thursday, March 27, 2025 | 2:15 p.m. to 2:45 p.m. | Hall F
Sometimes you are just crunched for time. Sometimes you are just a little short of budget. So you don’t do that second geotechnical borehole, you rely on LiDAR, or you decide to just figure it out once the contractor is on site. You decide to roll the dice and hope for the best.
While some uncertainty is unavoidable in design and construction projects, too much uncertainty has the potential to significantly impact project outcomes.
This presentation will explore some sources of uncertainty in the planning and design phases. Key factors contributing to uncertainty could include skipping pre-design studies, proceeding based on assumptions or old data, or delaying studies until construction.
Several projects will be used as examples to discuss the importance of effectively managing uncertainty, and of understanding the potential consequences of gambling on the outcome.
It’s OK to take risks as long as you know you are taking them. What risk is acceptable for your project?

Heather Amirault, Stantec
Heather is a Water Resources Engineer at Stantec Consulting Ltd. She specializes in the areas of stream rehabilitation using natural channel design and in geomorphic assessment.
Her recent projects include the restoration of Schneider Creek in Kitchener, ON, the restoration of a salmon channel in Kentville, Nova Scotia after it was buried by a landslide, and the realignment of two watercourses for a Project in Milton, ON.
Heather has worked on stream restoration and assessment projects across Canada and in the US.

Michael Dhanraj, Stantec
Michael is a Restoration Technician with Stantec Consulting Ltd. His main project focuses are in the areas of stream restoration and construction observation. He has completed several courses and achieve various certifications that enable him to apply protocols and methodologies in conducting complex studies and site inspections.