
2025 Track 2 Day 2: Coppolino


King’s Park Stormwater Management Project: Utilizing Green-Infrastructure and Natural Channel Design Techniques

Thursday, March 27, 2025 | 9:00 a.m. to 9:30 a.m. | Hall F


Uncontrolled stormwater management throughout the City of Mississauga continues to degrade local watercourses from a water quality perspective. TRCA has been planning and implementing projects that intercept stormwater through nature-based solutions such as wetlands or infiltration trenches for over 10 years.

The King’s Creek Green Infrastructure Project was identified as a priority project with the intent to mitigate the negative impact of past development practices. In 1988, an outfall and 225m conveyance channel entering the Etobicoke Creek West Branch was installed to drain an industrialized area located on the northeast corner of Dixie and Derry Rd.

Through funding from the Region of Peel and City of Mississauga, an opportunity arose to improve water quality inputs into Etobicoke Creek. The project involved collecting runoff from a 28 Hectare industrial-commercial catchment at King’s Park and redirecting it through a sub-surface infiltration gallery and natural channel prior to entering Etobicoke Creek.

Due to its proximity of the main runway at Toronto Pearson’s International Airport (increased risk of bird strikes), this project utilized an innovative Green-Infrastructure stormwater management and Natural Channel technique to improve the quality of water and provide tertiary benefits to wildlife while not contributing to further aircraft bird strikes.

Project details, challenges, opportunities and preliminary results will be discussed in this presentation.


Clifton Coppolino

Clifton Coppolino, Toronto and Region Conservation Authority (TRCA)​

Clifton is a Senior Project Manager at Toronto and Region Conservation Authority (TRCA), with over 20 years experience in the Environmental Sector.

He received his Honours Bachelor of Science in Zoology from the University of Guelph, his Masters of Science in Conservation Biology while travelling abroad in the UK, and most recently he achieved his Certified Engineering Technologist designation from the Ontario Association of Certified Engineering Technicians and Technologists.

In his current role within the Restoration and Infrastructure Division at TRCA, Clifton leads a team that strategically identifies, plans, implements and monitors large scale restoration projects to protect, restore and enhance natural cover, ecosystem function and wildlife habitat throughout all nine watersheds in TRCA’s jurisdiction, including natural channel design projects, shoreline and wetland restoration and LID and Green Infrastructure.