A Circular Argument: Can Ponds be Parks/Can Parks be Ponds? Combining SWM Infrastructure and Social Infrastructure

Chris Denich, Aquafor Beech Ltd.
Chris is the Director of Water Resources, LID and Green Infrastructure at Aquafor Beech Ltd., where he participates in a variety of municipal, private and public sector projects focusing on the planning, detailed design, tender preparation, construction administration and supervision of SWM Infrastructure, Low Impact Development (LID) & Green Infrastructure (GI) stormwater techniques, for both retrofit and new developments. He has presented and provided training on LID and Sustainable Stormwater Practices both nationally and across Ontario.

Joel Sypkes, Aquafor Beech Ltd.
Joel is the Landscape Team Lead and Green Infrastructure Design Specialist at Aquafor Beech, where he participates in a range of municipal, private and public sector projects focusing on the integration of green infrastructure and public realm.
Prior to working at Aquafor, Joel owned and operated a landscape design and construction company focusing on the integration of Low Impact Development (LID) and traditional residential landscape design. He is currently working towards fulfilling the requirements for licensure with the Ontario Association of Landscape Architects (OALA) and is passionate about using green infrastructure to balance city building and better connect society to the natural world.