New Guidance and Specifications for Proprietary Stormwater Treatment Technologies
Manufactured Treatment Technologies (MTDs) are widely used across Canada for the treatment and removal of pollutants from urban stormwater runoff. Since there are many different designs, guidance and standards are needed to ensure the use of a consistent and transparent approach to evaluate performance claims by technology suppliers. This presentation will provide an overview of two initiatives aimed at standardizing technology testing and establishing guidance or requirements for the use and application of MTDs in urban settings.
The first initiative led by the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority with support from the Standards Council of Canada will develop three Canadian Publicly Available Specifications (PAS) – two of which will address testing and verification requirements for OGS and Filtration MTDs through the ISO 14034 ETV standard, and a third that will provide guidance on how verified test results may be used by approvals agencies across Canada to set requirements for field application of the technologies. Tim will provide an overview of the content and development process for the PAS documents in the first half of the presentation.
The second initiative led by Toronto Water involves the development of the City of Toronto’s new Design Criteria for MTDs, with a specific focus on OGS and Filtration MTDs. The Design Criteria is applicable to Stormwater Management Report submissions, subject to the City’s Wet Weather Flow Management Guidelines (2006). Shad will discuss the policy development and implementation process from a municipal perspective, which takes into account the evolution of MTD technology types and testing & verification, asset management needs, and constraints in the regulatory approvals process.

Tim Van Seters, Toronto and Region Conservation Authority (TRCA)
Tim manages the Sustainable Technologies Evaluation Program (STEP) at the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority (TRCA). He has over 15 years’ experience designing and implementing stormwater technology monitoring studies and developing best practice guidance on the implementation, operation, and monitoring of these practices. Throughout his career, Tim has provided advice on the design and construction of stormwater facilities and published several scientific reports and journal articles on hydrology and low impact development stormwater management. He holds a Master’s degree specializing in water resource science from the University of Waterloo and a Bachelor of Science degree from the University of Toronto.
Shad Hussain, City of Toronto