Unique Implementation Challenges of Installing Large Corridor Channel Realignments: Too Much Dirt, Too Much Water, and Not Enough Time
Large scale corridor realignments have their own unique implementation challenges. They require a substantial amount of excavation, usually within an existing floodplain; construction is driven by timelines dictated by environmental construction windows; and construction activities are often impacted by onsite water management. Ultimately, the channel and corridor are required to be stabilized prior to activating with flows.
While navigating through these challenges, their completion usually becomes the critical path towards further development stages beyond the corridor limits. Several approaches including ‘phasing’ construction over several construction windows and methods to generally ‘speed-up’ construction is discussed in the context of cost, feasibility, landscaping and stabilization, multiple-contractors, rework, and conformance.

Lindsay Davis, GEOMorphix
Ms. Davis is involved in all phases of the restoration process including design, implementation, and channel activation. She has worked on several successful large scale corridor channel realignment projects. She integrates her design knowledge with her understanding of geomorphological relations and construction practices. She is a senior member of the design team at GEO Morphix Ltd., and is currently a Geomorphologist and Project Manager.

Michael Lawson, GEOMorphix
Mr. Lawson has a wide range of experience related to the construction of natural channel designs. He has been involved in the implementation of large scale natural channel corridors and has an applied knowledge of the requirements for successfully completing these types of projects from implementation to channel activation. He is currently the Manager of Construction and Restoration Services at GEO Morphix Ltd.