Bats, Bats, and More Bats! Stream Restoration and SWM Pond Rehabilitation Works under a Species-at-Risk Overall Benefit Permit
The Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks has recently placed an enhanced emphasis on the protection of endangered bat species including Eastern Small-Footed Myotis, Little Brown Myotis, Northern Myotis & Tri-colored bat.
Within Ontario’s built Urban Boundaries, habitat for these species is often limited to the highly constrained ravine corridors that double as conduits for our stormwater discharge. Conflicts therefore naturally arise between the mandate to maintain undisturbed natural environments to protect at-risk species, and the need to implement natural channel design and stormwater management projects to control erosion, mitigate flooding and protect at-risk infrastructure.
The Town of Aurora and Aquafor Beech Limited have recently addressed these conflicts through the completion of the Devlin Place Stream Rehabilitation and Pond Retrofit project. The detailed design project included over 200 meters of natural channel design work, coupled with rehabilitation of a sediment laden stormwater management pond, within a confined ravine corridor confirmed to support ample SAR bat habitat through acoustic monitoring.
Consultation efforts with the MECP early in the study determined an Overall Benefit Permit would be required under the Species-at-Risk Act. The Town and Aquafor successfully obtained the required permit through the development of a comprehensive construction and post-construction mitigation plan.

Robert Amos, Aquafor Beech Ltd.
Robert Amos is a water resources engineer and fluvial geomorphologist specializing in the restoration of degraded natural channel systems within confined urban corridors to mitigate erosion and flooding related risks to infrastructure and private property.
He has over 15 years of professional experience, has completed over 100 stream restoration projects, and currently serves as the CEO and Manager of Aquafor’s Head Office in Mississauga Ontario.

Jacob Ursulak, Aquafor Beech Ltd.
Jacob Ursulak is a member of Aquafor’s water resources engineering team, contributing regularly to projects related to stream restoration, erosion control, slope stabilization, outfall rehabilitation, and culvert/bridge replacement.
He has over 5 years of professional experience and has contributed to over 25 stream restoration and erosion control projects during his time at Aquafor Beech.