Focusing on Solutions: Kitchener’s Advancement in Integrated Stormwater Management
The City of Kitchener has developed policy relating to stormwater management criteria for urban development initiatives.
The policy requires a portion of stormwater runoff to be retained on-site using a combination of infiltration, evapotranspiration and/or rainwater re-use. These requirements are in addition to meeting traditional stormwater criteria for water quantity and quality treatment.
The policy has been in the implementation phase for more than two years, and the processes/practices used to meet its criteria for site development, subdivision development and road reconstruction projects have evolved considerably over this time rame.
Learning Objectives
1. To understand stormwater development charges, stormwater utility rate and credit programs, and municipal stormwater policy (including retention criteria)
2. To learn about implementation of low impact development on both public property (municipal right-of-way) and private properties (site and subdivision planning)
3. To understand the costs associated with implementation of low impact development for public and private developments based on the City of Kitchener’s experience.

Matt Wilson
Matthew Wilson completed a Master’s degree at the University of Guelph and has two decades of private and public sector work experience in the field of water resources engineering.
Matthew is currently focused on the promotion and adoption of low impact development stormwater strategies into routine municipal work.