Highway Construction Best Management Practices and Lessons Learned
This presentation identifies best management practices (BMPs) implemented on an Ontario highway project comprising 32 km of roadwork, 33 stream crossings and 10 stream re-alignments totaling approximately 3 km.
Due to the size of the project and complex nature of the construction sequencing, proper erosion and sediment control (ESC) planning and implementation was paramount.
Thes presentation provides insight from the contractor’s perspective on how to effectively control stormwater during the construction phase, and outlines which BMPs were most effective.
Topics covered include:
- Major pond dewatering and the use of flocculant tubes
- Temporary crossing BMPs
- The importance of proper construction sequencing
- How to utilize grading to your advantage
- The importance of developing ESC plans that can be adapted as needed
The role of environmental protection in construction is evolving — and so is the culture among contractors. This presentation identifies how contractors, consultants and clients can work together effectively to achieve the same goal: protecting the environment.
Learning Objectives
1. To explain the value and challenges of developing site-specific plans for erosion and sediment control and drainage and stormwater management
2.To identify how good construction sequencing can vastly improve erosion sediment control on projects
3. To promote contractor awareness of BMPs and explore how to effectively work with them to achieve the same goal.

Shea Hamilton
Shea Hamilton is an environmental engineer with CRH Canada Inc., currently acting as the assistant environmental manager on the 407 Phase 2 project.
Shea has experience as an environmental specialist on multiple major transit projects in the GTA. His current role requires extensive work with erosion and sediment control techniques on a major scale.